New Volvo Penta D1-20 Inboard Diesel Engine 3 cylinder, 0.8 liter diesel engine, Naturally Aspirated, EPA Tier 3, Gears – MS15A/MS15L, Sail Drive – 130S. Volvo Penta D1-20 is an in-line 3-cylinder, 0.8-liter, naturally aspirated diesel engine using a camdriven, in-line injection pump, and freshwater cooling. With low cruising rpm, the engine runs quietly with minimal vibrations.This engine delivers high torque at low rpm. That means plenty of power and quick response when maneuvering in a marina, in strong head wind, and in confined spaces.* 115A alternator with built-in charging sensor – Electronic Vessel Control instrumentation and NMEA interface – Dedicated oil change pipen* Relay-activated starter solenoid – Freshwater cooling is standard – High-capacity hot water outlet
Volvo Penta D1 20 Inboard Diesel Engine Specifications
* Power: 18.8 HPn* Cylinders: 3n* Displacement: 0.80 litersn* RPM: 3200n* Aspiration: Natrually Aspiratedn* Dry Weight: – lbsn* Length: 260.00 in.n* Width: 18.90 in.n* Height: 19.00 in.